Basil & Walnut Chicken Salad


The first time I had grapes in a sandwich was a year ago when I had a Napa Almond Chicken sandwich from Panera Bread.  Finding grapes in a sandwich was a tasty surprise.  It gave an interesting sweetness that contrasted with the saltiness of the chicken.

I used to rely on cold cuts for sandwiches, but they are quite expensive and not to mention unhealthy. They are full of sodium, nitrates, and other preservatives.  $4 a pound for a bunch of chemicals?  No, thank you!

Now, I always use chicken breasts for sandwiches.  They are healthy and so versatile!  Lately, I have been addicted to this basil and walnut chicken salad.  So addicted, I have made it at least 6 times this summer.  The grapes provide a nice burst of juicy sweetness, while the celery, onion, and walnuts offer a nice crunch.  For a low-fat version, use Greek yogurt.  You can also swap the walnuts for pecans or almonds!

I toasted my walnuts to bring out the flavor.

IMG_1556IMG_1560IMG_1565IMG_1638On a toasted tortilla.  Yummy!
IMG_1571Or on a roll with avocado!

Basil & Walnut Chicken Salad
Adapted from Lauren’s Latest

1 cooked chicken breast, diced
1 cup red grapes, sliced
1 stalk celery, diced
1/2 cup onion, diced
1/3 cup toasted walnuts
1/4 cup chiffonade basil
1/2 cup mayonnaise
salt & pepper to taste

Combine all ingredients and serve on a sandwich.

Basil Pesto


Last summer, I went on a pesto craze and made basil pesto every chance I had. This year, I finally planted two basil plants to satisfy my cravings.  Although, I am a little disappointed because Japanese Beetles have been greedily eating my basil.  After a week of harvesting, I finally had enough to make pesto!


I love basil pesto because it is flavorful, healthy, and versatile.  With the aromatic basil, nuttiness from the pine nuts, and garlic what’s not to love?  Basil also has medicinal properties, and olive oil is full of antioxidants and healthy fats.  Pesto can be a eaten as a dip, tossed with pasta, used as a pizza topping, or spread over toasted, crusty bread.  The possibilities are endless!

Here is some homemade pesto pizza!


You can stock up on pesto by freezing them in ice cube trays and then putting them in a large Ziploc bag.  This way you can enjoy pesto throughout the winter and make quick dinners whenever you want.

You can also experiment with different types of cheeses and nuts.  Walnuts and almonds are common choices.


Basil Pesto

2 cups fresh basil
1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
1/4 pine nuts, lightly toasted
1/4 cup grated Parmesan or Romano cheese
3 garlic cloves
Salt & pepper to taste

Put all ingredients in a food processor and blend until smooth.